Join us! How can you participate as a company?
CareForMore is a project for which we receive support from the European Regional Development Fund. Within this project we put our knowledge and (testing) infrastructure at the disposal of interested companies to help them with the further experimental development of their products.
The CareForMore subsidy scheme only applies to project activities that fall under ‘experimental development’. Experimental development is the acquisition, combination, shaping and use of existing scientific, technological, business and other relevant knowledge and skills with the aim of developing new or improved products, processes or services. It may also include activities aimed at the conceptual formulation, planning and documentation of alternative products, processes or services.
In a more practical sense, these are activities such as:
- Developing a prototype
- Testing and validating a prototype, new or improved products, processes or services
- Demonstrating a prototype in a real-world environment
Routine or periodic changes to existing products, production lines, manufacturing processes, services are not experimental development, even if those changes may represent improvements.
The support that a company receives within the CareForMore project is subject to state aid, specifically the de minimis rule. In essence, the de minimis regulation means that a company may not receive more than €200,000 in governmental support in the form of subsidies and the like within three tax years. The company must sign a de-minimis declaration for this purpose.
Thanks to the support of the ERDF, participation is possible from as little as €1,500 excluding VAT, depending on your request.