Measuring with sensors
Mobilab & Care has years of expertise in the development, evaluation and validation of monitoring systems for applications in the healthcare sector. These monitoring systems allow for the continuous and long-term collection of data that may indicate a particular care need. For example, we can monitor and monitor self-efficacy, stress levels or the quality of performing rehabilitation exercises. The sensors needed for this can be both wearables (electronic devices that you can wear) and sensors built into the home or care environment (such as in our Experience Lab).
Mobilab & Care has a Motion Lab and an Experience Lab to develop monitoring systems and perform measurements in optimal and controlled conditions.
The Mobilab & Care Experience Lab is a room specifically designed as a simulated living environment (for a single elderly person) in combination with a simulated care room.
With our practice-oriented scientific research as well as our expertise and knowledge about wearables and monitoring systems, we want to make comfortable and long-term monitoring possible with added value for both the user and the caregiver!
What can we do for you?
We offer support in the selection and evaluation of systems for monitoring in healthcare.
Please feel free to contact us!
We have an Experience Lab, a Motion Lab (for validation), several wearables and VR glasses.